Addiction can become the fight of your life. While suffering with addiction we feel like a prisoner with no means to escape.
Smoking Cessation:
Hypnosis is extremely effective for smoking cessation. Utilizing hypnosis, patients can quit smoking in as little as 1-2 sessions. However, follow up is often necessary. Below is an interview Dr. Kass did did with Prevention magazine that goes into more detail about smoking cessation and hypnosis.
Dr. Noah Kass specializes in Addiction treatment through Psychotherapy and Hypnosis. He has served as the clinical director of both the Realization Center, New York City’s largest addiction outpatient treatment center, and the Dunes East Hampton, a private inpatient treatment center on Long Island, New York.
He has completed NYU’s Clinical Approaches to Addiction Treatment certificate program and received extensive training in hypnosis under Dr. Rachel Hott and Steven Leeds, experts in the field. Dr. Kass participates in ongoing trainings in hypnosis to keep abreast of new research, and he is among the top of the field in using hypnosis for addiction.