Category: News & Press

The Purpose of Dreams

By Sharon Brandwein, July 1, 2024 Do Dreams Have Meaning? According to psychotherapist Noah Kass, “The answer depends on whom you ask. Historically, cultures have assigned significance to dreams, seeing them as omens, divine messages, or expressions of inner desires.” Kass notes, “Ancient Egyptian priests viewed dreams as messages from the gods, while Greek philosophers […]

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Caring for Your Mind During Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month

By Kate Daniel, June 24, 2024 “Nearly one in 10 men experience depression or anxiety, yet less than half seek treatment due to societal expectations and stigma,” said Noah Kass, Ph.D., LCSW, a psychotherapist in New York City. “Men also die by suicide four times more frequently than women, with those ages 45-64 at exceptionally high risk,” […]

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Melatonin Lasts Longer in Your Body Than You Think. Here’s What to Know

By Sean Jackson, June 17, 2024 Psychotherapist Dr. Noah Kass says, “Melatonin typically begins to work within 30 minutes to an hour, depending on your metabolism. This variation is crucial for effectively managing sleep patterns, especially for those with night shifts or irregular work hours. Knowing when to take melatonin before bed is important to achieve the […]

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Wait, What’s the Difference Between White Noise and Brown Noise? Experts Sound Off

June 9. 2024 “Consider white noise as your personal auditory sanctuary, offering a serene backdrop that fosters relaxation and peace,” says Dr. Noah Kass, LCSW, a psychotherapist. “This can be especially useful in bustling urban environments where disruptive noises—like traffic or loud conversations—are common.” Tomāto, Tomäto. “Choosing between brown noise and white noise for sleep largely comes down […]

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